5 small changes to refresh your home without spending too much

We all know a nice feeling of newness: you want to wear new jeans every day, a new phone is hard to let go of, and a new dining table is hard to take your eyes off and you want to sit at it as often as possible. But buying a new dining table every year for the feeling of change is quite expensive and not the right idea, in terms of ecology. So what can you do when you really want to feel that nice new feeling in your home without spending too much? Here are 5 simple ways to give your apartment a fresh touch and help you look at your home in a new way.

Furniture rearrangement

Sometimes all it takes is a little rearrangement of furniture to make a room start to feel like everything in it is new. So why not start with this simple yet effective way?


Maybe turning or rearranging the dining table will be enough, or maybe you want to experiment and swap out the couch and dining area. Move different items between rooms, and see if the desk will stand much better near the window in the bedroom, and the living room will make some space for a cozy reading area. And maybe, on the contrary, the light from the window distracts you from your work and you’re still constantly closing the curtains, and then it is worth trying to move the workplace to the darkest corner of the apartment. Allow yourself to try non-obvious and non-standard options, perhaps one of them will work for you. These small actions sometimes carry a lot more than it seems, although it doesn’t cost anything.

Workplace in the hall between the rooms
The workplace does not always have to be by the window
The position of the sofa immediately sets the mood and atmosphere of the room
Bed against the window - a non-obvious way to avoid the morning sun on your face

Getting rid of visual clutter

Some people may think that minimalism is what makes an interior faceless and soulless. But an abundance of things, decor, labels, and packaging doesn’t make a space feel cozier either. Because of the visual clutter you get a feeling of tiredness faster, and the space seems smaller. So the point of this point is a good general cleaning on open surfaces. Sometimes you just need to remove the unnecessary and distracting stuff to make the interior seem fresh and cozy again.

Try removing all things from shelves completely at first and bring them back step by step, trying to leave some space between items. Some little things, like wires or pens and pencils, can be put away in boxes and baskets, and larger items can be placed in themed groups.If you don’t like brightly colored book covers, you can put them with the binding forward. The point of all this cleaning is to make sure that the eye does not stick to the chaotically arranged objects, but rests.

Getting rid of visual clutter is especially important in the kitchen. To make your kitchen more pleasant to use and to keep the pasta from falling on your forehead when you try to get a package off the shelf, try pouring the contents of bright and unattractive packages into identical glass jars or containers. You can put neat stickers on the jars indicating the cooking time or expiration date so you don’t forget. To make the kitchen worktop feel less cluttered, items and appliances in it can also be grouped, and those that you do not use every day, it is better to put in the closet.

Glass jars not only store food better, but also make the kitchen more enjoyable to use
Everyday kitchen stuff can be stored in a box like this, so the table surface looks more organized
On the shelves you can arrange a display of beautiful accessories and books that reflect your interests
Various small items and wires can be tucked away in boxes so they don't create chaos
The boxes are also convenient for storing office supplies that you don't need every day

Accent walls and gallery walls

Maybe you should think about a new wall color, or one accent wall that will change the mood of the whole room. This step is already a bit more ambitious and requires more planning, but it also carries a lot of value. If you do not want to mess with paint, then you can think about creating your own art wall, or finally print family photos and make a beautiful photo display. By the way, if you want the pictures looked like a single harmonious composition, you can make all the photos in the identical frames and the identical mats (passepartouts, if you prefer this word). This will help to combine even colorful and different in size photos into a single collection. And if you do not want to add elegance, print all the pictures in black and white. A composition of such pictures will look not only stylish, but also fit perfectly into any interior.

You don't have to paint the whole wall to create an interesting pop of color
Pink makes this dining area warmer and more inviting
If you're not sure how to combine colors, choose one color scheme for your art wall and stick to it
And here's my art wall 🙂

New textiles

Cushion covers and plaids are not expensive, but can give the room a whole new feel. If the cushions were the color of the sofa before, why not try something contrasting? Or experiment with materials and get linen covers instead of cotton ones? A new cotton or wool plaid will help to brighten up chilly and gray days, and new bedding, which is enjoyable to touch, will not only add points to the quality of sleep, but also can become the most interesting color spot in the whole bedroom. By the way, you don’t have to buy a set in the same color or with the same pattern. The bed will look much more interesting if the pillowcases and blanket covers are different from each other.

When choosing cushions, try to play with textures
Pillows with patterns will look good among the more neutral

Everyday little things mean more than they may seem

As you know, the devil is in the details, and it’s quite possible that your living room has been lacking a couple of beautiful vases and fresh flowers for a long time. But that’s only the first part. The second is about those little things we use every day but rarely think about as part of our home. Little things like candlesticks, cup holders, cups or napkins are important elements of our interiors. We drink tea often, we use napkins just as often, and on gloomy days and evenings we light candles. How long ago have you renewed your cups, plates, soap dishes and shoe spoons? Now imagine if all these commonplace items were in colors that are nice to you and made of materials that are pleasant to the touch. That way, ordinary dinners would seem more special, and drinking tea from beautiful cups would be much more enjoyable and beautiful. Even washing your hands can become a little spa routine. If you like to accompany your dinner with wine, why not buy yourself a nice corkscrew in addition to pretty glasses and make the moment of uncorking the bottle more beautiful and thoughtful. There are a lot of little things like that in our homes and everyone has their own. Pay attention to the things you interact with several times each day and consider upgrading them to more interesting and enjoyable ones.

By the way, if you live in a rented furnished apartment and there is little you can change, but you really want some modifications, you can change the handles on the doors of cabinets or kitchens.You can choose handles in the color of the front of the cabinet, so that there is less visual noise, or contrasting, to make a simple cabinet a bit more interesting.

If you like my vision of a cozy and nice-looking interior and want to make your home more pleasant with my help, you can book one of my interior services. I will be happy to help you create the home of your dreams.

It's much nicer to drink coffee from a beautiful cup
Pretty little things help make everyday life special
These curved handles make kitchen cabinets much more interesting