Welcome to my Blog! 

Hi! I’m Daria, I am an interior decorator, and this blog is my thoughts and ideas about what a home is made of.

I graduated in architecture and worked for some time in various architectural offices, but I was always attracted by private interiors and the way they evolve. So I decided to leave architecture and concentrate on working with residential spaces.

I’m the kind of person who likes to look in other people’s windows. But not because I’m interested in peeking, but because I’m interested in seeing how the furniture stands, where the couch is turned, and whether there’s a tablecloth on the dining table. I like to notice different little things that seem out of the ordinary.

I don’t think there is a universal rule that fits every interior. Just as we are all unique, beautiful, and strange in our own way, so are our homes, unique, beautiful, and strange. The most important thing is that we feel comfortable in them and want to come back.

In my work, I like to create interiors that don’t run blindly after a fashion but focus more on the values of the people living in the interior and their lifestyle. A good home should not be a storage unit or a place where you don’t want to stay for long. A cozy and happy home is not difficult and is not always a complete renovation from scratch. Sometimes all you have to do to get that cherished feeling of coziness is to remove unnecessary things, and sometimes you have to make tiny changes.

I like to draw a parallel between home and closet. We buy new clothes, not because we physically have nothing to wear, but because we want new emotions, show off our new passion, or try on a trend. It’s the same with the interior: sometimes you want to get new emotions from your home, feel a sense of newness and freshness, but don’t want to renovate or don’t have the possibility.

I believe that interiors can and should always bring happiness. So if you want to: get new emotions from your home, have some changes without a significant refurbishment, add a new function or reorganize the space, add some interior trends, hang your family photos nicely, get help in choosing the wall color, arrange the children’s room or storage system and so on…

…but you don’t know how to do it better and where to start, then I am happy to help you! I can help make your home a happy place and bring the magic of newness back into it.