Redesign of a boring bedroom, pt.2

This is my own bedroom design project, but I’ve decided to use it as an example to show how the project works and what the steps are. This is the second post. In the first one, I talked about what we weren’t happy with in our bedroom and what solutions I came up with. As […]
Redesign of a boring bedroom, pt.1

This is my own bedroom design, but I’ve decided to use it as an example to show how the project works and what the steps are. There will be two posts about the bedroom: this one with the concept and another with pictures of the finished bedroom. Starting situation: we are both designers. We both […]
Art wall: my experience of creating it

Disclaimer: this post is not an advertisement, we bought all the items listed in the post ourselves. It all started with the buying of a TV. We used to have a projector, but it was old and not bright and we got tired of the long ritual of turning it on and setting it up, […]
The mistakes of our moving

In January 2019 we started looking for a new apartment. The contract for the one we lived in was ending on the first of March, and we didn’t want to extend it for another six months. Anyone who lives in Berlin or any other major European city knows that the search for an apartment is […]